Be Active

There are plenty of ways to be active at home with a disability. 

With a second lockdown and the change in weather, we are still unable to do many of the activities we know and love, including group exercise classes, taking part in an event or competition, or even going to a cafe for a post activity debrief.

Physical activity may be at the bottom of your priorities right now, this is to be expected however doing something, no matter how small, can boost your mental and physical health and better equip you to cope with the challenges of this unique time. We are working closely with the Public Health team at Cambridgeshire County Council to help you enjoy some of the benefits physical activity can bring.

Lockdown can be an opportunity to try something new. This is exactly what Huntingdonshire resident Mark has done, unable to train and play with his Visually Impaired football teammates at Cambridge United Community Trust he has instead taken the opportunity to give Pilates a go! Pre Covid-19 Mark was unable to travel to and access the Pilates sessions, by doing the classes live on Zoom he no longer has to worry about that barrier, and because the sessions are going to continue after Covid-19, Mark is looking forward to continuing these sessions.

If you want to give something a go, like Mark did, then why not try out some of the opportunities below. Have a question, or want to let us know how you are getting on being physically active during lockdown? Then get in touch with 

  • The Virtual Boccia Challenge for schools and colleges.- This challenge replaces Boccia England’s usual National School Competition due to the Covid-19 restrictions we face. We hope schools and colleges will enjoy taking part in this opportunity for young people to develop their skills and challenge each other. The deadline for singing up is 3pm on Friday 27th November 2020For details click here.
  • British Blind Sport Active at Home Programme – As restrictions begin to differ vastly across the UK, BBS have decided to change their Workout Wednesday programme. Rather than have one workout per week, BBS will now run a live workout week at the beginning of each month with a different inclusive class each night from Monday to Friday at 6pm. Following these live workouts, BBS will release “follow up” exercise sessions for each different class so that participants can improve and build on their performance throughout the month – until the next live workout week. View class details here or visit BBS website.
  • CP Sport – Virtual Challenge Series – Fun participation event where participants set their own challenge linked to a theme that runs for a month. 15th October – 15th November is themed as “time”, participants can enter and achieve their challenge at any point between this month. The final theme is “numbers” which runs 15th December – 15th January. For all those that enter they will receive a T-shirt, medal and certificate. Full details here.
  • CP Sport – CP Adult Café’s – CP Sport have partnered with Scope to host a online Café for adults with CP aged 20+. Cafes are held every other Monday, for more information contact Jennifer Basford  
  • Sense Active – Live Zoom weekly programme, all sessions are totally free to join and people just need to go to to register. See programme here.
  • WheelPower – Are extending their online live sessions to 3 per week from November, including cardio, circuits and yoga or aimed a those particularly who use a wheelchair for more information see their website.
  • Exercise, Health and Wellbeing Resources 2020 – Enjoyable resources created to support people with multiple or complex disabilities to be active at home. The resource include step by step instructions and activity cards including games that can be enjoyed with little or no equipment, or in any sized space. Resource information can be found here.
  • Making Sense of Mini-Games – Sense Active gives people the chance to express themselves, enjoy physical activities and socialise. Included within this toolkit you can find a range of fun activities to stay healthy. Access resources via this website.
  • Paradance UK – Paradance UK are offering live and pre recorded sessions dance sessions. Occurring weekly for you to enjoy virtually at home. Resources can be found here.

Sportworks Online PE

Starting Monday 18 January 2021, Sportworks are offering online PE sessions to all families of children with SEN.

Monday: 4.30pm to 5.15pm

Wednesday: 4pm to 4.45pm

Thursday: 4.30pm to 5.15pm

Saturday: 10am to 10.45am

To book, email Sportworks at

Activity Alliance have created a page on their website – Being Active at Home, the page content is themed into three sections:

  1. Support on being active at home – useful resources, guides and campaigns that offer advice and guidance
  2. Home exercises and workouts – a selection of home-based workouts and exercise routines for all ages and abilities
  3. Impairment specific advice – key information from some of our members for people with specific impairment

The Learning Disability Partnerships group within Cambridgeshire County Council have created a resource to provide support to Individuals. Within the resource pack is a collation of activity ideas and suggestions that can be implemented to create a ‘home based’ weekly routine. Under the ‘fitness / physical care’ section, the following are advocated:

First Steps is a free British Blind Sport nationwide project aimed at children with a visual impairment aged 3 – 11, providing them with the tools they need to take their first steps towards an active life. Families can register their interest in the project by visiting

Once registered, you will then be sent a First Steps pack for your child.  The pack includes an audible ball named ‘Jangles’, an activity booklet to teach each child different skills and activities as well as a progress poster and stickers to track their development. The project is overseen by the First Steps Officer Jane Jacobs, who will be on hand to support families and check on their progress throughout their time with the project. You can contact Jane directly by emailing

If you do not yet have a Jangles ball, any ball will do or you can use a balloon filled with rice, or a sock filled with tinfoil. Register for the First Steps project and you receive a free Jangles ball, then register for the First Steps project.

For more resources about getting active as a family, please visit out Families webpage.

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